20: Configuring OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
© Virtual Access 2018
GW6600 Series User manual
Issue: 1.7
Page 198 of 519
OSPF routers will only become neighbours if the following parameters within a Hello
packet are identical on each router:
Area ID
Area Type (stub, NSSA, etc.)
Subnet Mask
Hello Interval
Dead Interval
Network Type (broadcast, point-to-point, etc.)
The Hello packets also serve as keepalives to allow routers to quickly discover if a
neighbour is down. Hello packets also contain a neighbour field that lists the router IDs
of all neighbours the router is connected to. A neighbour table is constructed from the
OSPF Hello packets, which includes the following information:
The router ID of each neighbouring router
The current ‘state’ of each neighbouring router
The interface directly connecting to each neighbour
The IP address of the remote interface of each neighbour
OSPF designated routers
In multi-access networks such as Ethernet, there is the possibility of many neighbour
relationships on the same physical segment. This leads to a considerable amount of
unnecessary Link State Advertisement (LSA) traffic. If a link of a router were to fail, it
would flood this information to all neighbours. Each neighbour, in turn, would then flood
that same information to all other neighbours. This is a waste of bandwidth and
processor load.
To prevent this, OSPF will elect a Designated Router (DR) for each multi-access
networks, accessed via multicast address For redundancy purposes, a Backup
Designated Router (BDR) is also elected.
OSPF routers will form adjacencies with the DR and BDR. If a change occurs to a link,
the update is forwarded only to the DR, which then forwards it to all other routers. This
greatly reduces the flooding of LSAs. DR and BDR elections are determined by a router’s
OSPF priority, which is configured on a per-interface basis (a router can have interfaces
in multiple multi-access networks). The router with the highest priority becomes the DR;
second highest becomes the BDR. If there is a tie in priority, whichever router has the
highest Router ID will become the DR.