Sharing Videos
To share your video:
1. Select the video(s) to be shared in the List pane
2. Click the Share button at the bottom of the List pane The Share Screen
dialog is displayed
If you had not signed in you will be prompted to sign in. You must sign in to
share your videos.
3. Enter the recipient’s email information.
You can send your video to multiple people via a single email.
Enter a single email address per line or add a semicolon (;) between each
email address
4. (optional) Enter a Subject and Message for the email
The email recipients will receive a message with link(s) to the videos that
you have shared
The V.I.O. Gallery is a public website that can be viewed by anyone.
5. Click Send
6. Confirm that you want to send the email message
The Upload Status
dialog box will appear
7. You can cancel the video upload by clicking Cancel
Share Screen
Upload Screen