Recording Video with the POV.1.5
The POV.1.5 offers a number of different recording options to suit a wide variety
of applications. You should familiarize yourself with the basic recording modes and
settings so that you can choose the recording method that is best suited for your
Clip Recording vs. Loop Recording
The POV.1.5 Recorder offers two different recording options, Clip mode and Loop
Clip recording - this works like a traditional video camera. When you press
the RECORD button video is recorded continuously on the SDHC card until the
card is full or until you stop recording.
Loop recording - this special recording mode helps save space on the SDHC
card by allowing you to save individual video clips of a pre-set length. This
way the SDHC card retains only your best footage.
The POV.1.5 is set to the Clip record mode by default, and if you wish to record in
Loop mode you will have to change it is the settings menu.
Recording Quality and Resolution
The POV.1.5 records video with a number of different options for resolution and
video quality. You may want to adjust these settings prior to recording since they
will affect the quality of the video you create and determine how much video you
can save on each SDHCHC memory card. The three settings to consider are:
Frame Rate - this is the number of frames that are recorded per second.
This setting affects how smooth the playback will be. The options are 30, 25,
24, or 15.
Video Resolution
- this setting controls the number of pixels recorded
in each frame. Your choices are 720x480, 720x400, 640x480, 360x240,
360x200, or 320x240.
Video Quality - this affects the amount of compression used when saving
the video. The options are High, Medium, and Low. A high setting produces a
sharper more accurate image, but takes more space on the memory card. A
low setting saves space but sacrifices color accuracy and detail.
The default setting is the 640x480 video resolution, 30 frames per second, high
quality. You can change these settings using the Settings menu.
Here are some examples of how much video you can save on each SDHC memory
card, depending on which settings you choose:
Overall Quality
4GB SDHC Card 8 GB SDHC Card
Highest settings
720x480, 30fps, high quality
2 hrs 52 min
5 hr 44 min
Default settings
640x480, 30fps, high quality
3 hrs 12 min
6 hr 24 min
Lowest settings
320x240, 15fps, low quality
15 hrs 44 min
31 hrs 28 min
As you can see from the above table, your choice of settings can dramatically
affect the amount of video you can save on your SDHC card. You will need to
decide what resolution you need for your application and then experiment with the
various settings.