1 . 2 Sa f e t y Gu i d e l i n e s
Use the appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for any handling operation.
Before installing the air handling unit, make sure that the support and location are sufficiently resist
ant to bear the weight of the unit and accessories.
Respect the danger labels present on the various access doors or panels:
Live electrical equipment/Rotating machinery/Potentially flammable dust-laden filters:
Do not open the access doors without having cut the electrical power from the lockable safety
switch-disconnecter located on the unit
If there is work to be performed on the device, cut the electrical power at the main circuit breaker and
make sure that nobody is able to reconnect it accidentally.
Make sure that any mobile parts have stopped.
Check that the fan motor is not accessible from the connection sheath.
Before start-up, check the following points:
Ensure that the device does not contain any foreign body.
Check that all the components are fastened in their original locations.
Manually check that the fan is not rubbing and is not blocked.
Check the connection of the earth electrode.
Check that the access cover is securely closed.
1 . 3 R e c e i p t - St o r a g e
In the event of any lack, non-conformity, or total or partial damage of the delivered products, the Buyer
must note its written reservations on the carrier's receipt in accordance with Article 133-3 of the Commer
cial Code and confirm them within 72 hours by registered letter with a copy sent to VIM.
The receipt of the material without reservation deprives the Buyer of any subsequent recourse against us.
The product must be stored out of bad weather and protected from any impacts and stains caused by
projections of any kind during its transport from the supplier to the end client, and on the work site prior to
1 . 4 W a r r a n t y
The material provided by VIM is guaranteed for 12 months - Parts only - from the invoice date. VIM un
dertakes to replace any parts or equipment which are recognised by our services as being faulty, with the
exception of any damages, interests, or penalties such as operating losses, commercial prejudice, or other
immaterial or indirect damages.
Our warranty excludes any faults related to improper use or any use that is non-compliant with the rec
ommendations of our instructions, any faults observed following normal usage, any incidents caused by
negligence, lack of monitoring or maintenance, or any defects due to poor installation of the equipment or
unsuitable storage conditions prior to assembly.
In no case may VIM be held responsible for any transformed or repaired equipment, even partially.