8 . 5 A n t i f r e e ze
p r o t e c t i o n o f t h e h e a t i n g c o i l ( v e r s i o n s EC , EC F a n d ER )
For the antifreeze protection of the heating coil, the temperature of return water is transmitted to the con
troller by a TGA1 PT1000 sensor installed by the factory on the outlet manifold of the unit. The controller
will generate a permanent signal to the valve motor to maintain a sufficient flow of hot water to avoid frost
in the unit.
In the case where the temperature of return water falls below the critical point (7°C), the fan is stopped and
the damper (accessory) is closed, an alarm is activated with automatic resetting.
The antifreeze protection remains active when the fan is off.
8 . 6 T e m p e r a t u r e c o n t r o l
The temperature control loop operates independently of the other control loops (fan or mixing chamber
regulated according to a CO2 level...).
The temperature set point as well as the heating/cooling mode (temperature of constant flow - constant
ambient temperature) are entered via the touch screen or the BMS (Building Management System). The
extract or ambient temperature is maintained at the setpoint value by playing with the controller outputs
"Y1 Heating", "Y2 Mixture damper", "Y3 Cooling". A single PI control loop is used. See § "5.2 Connection
of the accessories", page 18.
8 . 6 . 1 M a i n t a i n i n g a c o n s t a n t s u p p l y t e m p e r a t u r e
supply air T°C
Heating mode
The temperature is controlled by comparing the air supply temperature
to the value of the setpoint configured with the touch display or the
This is the default factory setting, the supply air temperature sensor is
attached in the framework of the casing supply duct.
The user can vary the temperature from the main screen by +/- 3°C compared to this initial setpoint.
8 . 6 . 2 M a i n t a i n i n g a c o n s t a n t r o o m o r r e t u r n t e m p e r a t u r e
Cascade connected
extract air T° control
The supply is controlled in cascade with the ambient or return tempera
The difference between the ambient or return temperature and the set
point determines the supply temperature. An ambient or return sensor
must be added.
The control responds to a request to maintain temperature in an ambi
ent or return, by limiting the duct temperature. This is included in a per
missible range of 12 to 30 °C, controlled by a provided supply sensor,
fixed to the duct.
To control the ambient temperature, it is necessary to install an air temperature sensor in the room to
control. To control the extract air temperature, a temperature sensor must be mounted to the extract air
The user can vary the temperature from the main screen by +/- 3°C compared to this initial setpoint.