B. Manually Muting SIP/Network Failure Alarm Beeps
(3 beeps repeated every 30 seconds)
With the unit connected and powered (Green LED on and Yellow LED off or blinking) it will output 3 beeps every 30
seconds and turn the Call/Call Connected LED on and off once per second indicating a SIP registration failure, failure
to receive an echo reply from a pinged gateway or Ethernet connection failure. You can manually disable the beeps by
pressing and holding the Call button for 5 seconds (2 beeps will then be heard) or by clicking the “Mute Alarm Until
Next Failure” tab in the Viking VoIP programming software. The LED will continue to flash allowing you to trouble shoot
the failure.
A. Connect / Disconnect
Open the “Viking IP Programming” software on the PC and the start screen shown below will appear. Any Viking IP
phones that are connected to the network will appear on the list. Simply select the
VoIP Tower Phone
on the list and
click on the “Connect” button at the bottom or double click the selected phone. If the security code of the selected
phone is still set to default (845464), the PC software will not require entering a security code to connect to the phone.
VoIP Tower Phones
have a default name of “VIKING_MK64_Vik02”, so if many phones are connected to the same
network that all have the default name, MAC addresses must be used to identify each phone.
When finished programming, click on the “Disconnect” button at the bottom. Closing the program will also automatically
disconnect the unit.