Vig395P Motherboard Manual
Installing the Windows XP/2000/2003 for systems with RAID
New Operating System-Windows XP/2000/2003 Installation
1. Copy the Intel ESB2 SATA RAID Controller Drivers for the appropriate OS to a
formatted diskette. These drivers can be found on the Viglen driver CD provided
with the system.
2. Reboot system.
3. Insert Microsoft Windows XP/2000/2003 Setup CD in the CD Driver, and the system
will start booting up from CD.
If using a Viglen Recovery CD, please skip to step 7. All drivers for RAID
functions are included on the CD
4. Press the <F6> key when the message-" Press F6 if you need to install a third party
SCSI or RAID driver" displays.
5. When the Windows XP/2000/2003 Setup screen appears, press "S" to specify
additional device(s).
6. Insert the driver diskette-"Intel AA RAID XP/2000/2003 Driver for ESB2 into Drive A:
and press the <Enter> key.
7. Choose the Intel ESB2 SATA RAID Controller from the list indicated in the
XP/2000/2003 Setup Screen, and press the <Enter> key.
8. Press the <Enter> key to continue the installation process. (If you need to specify
any additional devices to be installed, do it at this time.) Once all devices are
specified, press the <Enter> key to continue with the installation.
9. From the Windows XP/2000/2003 Setup screen, press the <Enter> key. The
XP/2000/2003 Setup will automatically load all device files and then, continue the
Windows XP/2000/2003 installation.
10. After Windows XP/2000/2003 Installation is completed, the system will automatically
the current version of the ESB2 SATA RAID Utility can only support Windows
XP/2000/2003 Operating System.