Operating instructions for the natural gas-fuelled CHP module
4.2.3 Display & change of the date and the
time of the day
display the selection menu with function key F5;
field selection underlined once (Fig. 13)
select a field: shift the underscore with arrow keys
4 or 6 to the desired position (e.g. date) (Fig. 14)
confirm the field selection with key E (Fig. 14);
selected value (day) underlined twice (Fig. 15)
select a value: decrease or increase a value (un-
derlined twice) with arrow keys 2 or 8
confirm the value (current day) with
key E.
The value selection will now appear
under the month. Change and/or con-
firm the values of month and year in the
same way. After the last value (year)
has been confirmed with key E, the field
selection will reappear (date underlined
Cancel the value selection
cancel the value selection (value change) with key
repeat value selection as described above
Change the field selection
return with key C until the field selection (under-
lined once) is displayed again
repeat the field and value selection (value change)
as described above
Close the menu
return to the basic configuration with key C again
Fig. 13
Display of the selection menu with function key F5
Shift the field selection to the left (or right) to the
date or time of the day with arrow key 4 (or 6)
Fig. 14
Confirmation of the field selection (date) with key
Fig. 15
Selection and confirmation of the value (day) with
arrow keys 2 or 8 and with key E