6.4 Assembly of combustion chamber and the fuel transport lines
Apply the silicon sealant to the inter-flange( between the flange and the section) and put it on 4pc stud
bolts M10 on the rear boiler section. Then apply the silicon sealant to the rectangular bearing surface of
the combustion chamber and put the unit on 4pc stud bolts M10 on the inter-flange a on the rear boiler
Secure the combustion chamber with nuts with washers.
The inter-flange must be positioned
between the rear section and the burner.
2. Through the stoking door insert the ceramic arch into the combustion chamber
(Fig.no. 12 Ceramic arch)
and mount it on the fireplace with the open part forward (see Fig.13 and 14).
3. Through the stoking door mount the ceramic plates into the combustion chamber on the side risers of
the sections (see Fig.13 a 14). For VIADRUS HERCULES ECO boiler there exist 4 types of ceramic
plates (see tab. 3 a Fig.11). Mount the ceramic plates according to Fig.13 and 14.
When mounting the ceramic plates is necessary to mind that the plates sit properly on the risers of the
sections and fit together with their locks. Possible leakage can be sealed by sealing cement with
resistance up to 1200°C (like ZWALUW) or heat-resisting concrete.
4. Through the stoking door insert into the convection part of cast-iron heat exchanger (4 flue gases
channels) 4 pc turbulators.
5. Position the fuel reservoir on the required place next to the boiler (see Fig.3 and 6). Insert through an
opening in the fuel reservoir side a set of fuel reservoir screw conveyor and by means of a support
mount it in 45° gradient. Connect the combustion chamber screw conveyor with fuel reservoir screw
conveyor through a flex hose and secure the both ends by the sleeves against slippage.
The fuel reservoir screw conveyor must be mounted in a way making sure that there is a
sufficient gradient of flex hose against the pellets falling freely on the combustion chamber
screw conveyor without stopping the hoses with pellets.
Fig.no.11 Ceramic plate shape
Tab. no. 3 Number of ceramic plates for individual sizes of boilers
Boilers size
5 sections
10 sections
Ceramic plate central
Ceramic plate central with risers
Ceramic plate outer
Ceramic plate frontal
Fig.no. 12 Ceramic arch
Ceramic plate
plate central
with risers
Ceramic plate
Ceramic plate
Ceramic arch
for 5 sec. boiler.
Ceramic arch
for 10 sec. boiler