Battery charger / inverter COMBI-GAMMA
E7-02: Aux-Relay 1 Invert Select
(Initial setting)
Auxiliary Relay 1 function is normal.
Auxiliary Relay 1 function is inverted.
This is used to invert the Aux-Relay 1 So ON becomes OFF and OFF becomes ON. In
the program, the labels are adapted to reflect this inversion.
E7-03: Aux1 not Switch Off Time (Aux-Relay 1 do not switch off with certain period)
Use constant E7-03 to determine the minimum ON time.
The Aux-Relay 1 will not be switched off within the time specified here measured from
the moment that all on condition are inactive.
Note: OFF conditions with a delay of 0 minute, ignore this setting.
E8 Group (Aux-Relay 2 Option)
E9 Group (Aux-Relay 3 Option)
The functions and the settings of E8 and E9 Groups are exactly the same as those of
E7 Group so please refer to above E7 Group description and setting for E8 and E9
O Group (Operator):
O1 Group (Monitor Select)
O1-01: Power ON LCD Monitor Select
After start up of the Combi-Gamma, the monitor selections will be visible on the LCD
Display, U1-05 Battery Voltage is the initial value shown in the display.
All the constants in U1 Group can be programmed (U1-01~U-26).
O1-02: Key Idle Detect Time
Use constant O1-02 to set the idle time when the keyboard is not operated and once any key
is pressed, the display will return to the LCD monitor selection value set in constant O1-01.
Initial Setting=180 sec, setting range: 10~600 sec.
O2 Group (Key Selections)
O2-01: Key Sounds