Battery charger / inverter COMBI-GAMMA
Chapter 4 User Constants
There are four “Macro Function” under the main menu of the “Combi-Gamma” and they are “Op-
eration”, “Initialize”, “Programming” and “Modified Constants”. The functions and their contents
are as below.
“Combi-Gamma” can monitor AC IN voltage and current, AC OUT voltage and current,
battery voltage, battery current and ripple voltage in charging and discharging battery and
other extension modules status. This is U (Monitor Group) constants.
Operation Condition Setting Group A (Initialize) Group: Multi-language setting, constants
initialization setting and constants modification allowed/prohibited setting.
Constant groups to program (modify) all the constants:
B (General) Group, C (INVERTER) Group,
D (AC CHARGER) Group, E (Aux-relay) Group
F (Solar charger) Group, G (DC to DC charger) Group
H (DC load control) Group and O (Operator) Group
Modified Constants
Operating the read-out and modification of the constants group setting which are different
from initial setting. Users can program and modify constants
Operation of “Macro Function”
On any display screen, pressing DSPL key could have the effect just like ESC key to enable the
display screen go back to previous any of four “Macro Function”
*** Main Menu ***
(XXXXXXXX can be either Operation or Initialize or Programming or Modified Constants.) And
continue to press DSPL key to select “Macro Function”