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Subject to modifications.
ETS communication objects
ETS parameters
“Drive error status” object
Use this object to read out a potential drive error. The actuator transmits
the status spontaneously when the general parameter “Send status
objects” is set to “For status change”.
Object value “0”: no error
Object value “1”: error present
8/ 15
“Save scene pos 1/pos 2, channel x” object (manual mode)
Use this object to store the existing position of shade height and slat angle
(for blinds) in the actuator under pos1 or pos2. Storage however only takes
place if the drive is standing at the time the telegram is input.
Object value “0”: store pos1
Object value “1”: store pos 2
Whenever sensible, the actuator software tries to execute simultaneously incoming travel commands (e.g. “Stop/Step travel, channel x”) of
several channels (if they are entered with the same group address for instance) also with corresponding SMI group commands for the chan-
nels concerned. This ensures the connected drives operate synchronously where possible. In the case of Step commands, the drives are also
grouped in accordance with the same value of the step length parameter.
(Parameter presets are in bold)
Dependent on
Transmit status objects
only for
reading request
for status change
Use this parameter to set whether the “position” and “drive error”
status objects of all channels can only be read out or whether
after reaching a new shade height or slat angle position or upon
occurrence or discontinuation of a drive error the corresponding
value should automatically be transmitted.
During bus voltage
send nothing
send status objects
Use this parameter to set whether, once bus voltage has been
recovered, the “position” and “drive error” status objects of all
channels should be transmitted.
Transmission occurs, if appropriate, after a time delay which is
dependent on the physical address of the actuator, thus avoiding
bus conflicts caused by too many actuators transmitting at the
same time.
Send status objects =
“For status change”
without time monitoring
with time monitoring
This parameter is used to set whether the cyclical reception
of telegrams will be monitored over time in conjunction with
the safety object.
Monitoring time
for safety
1 minute
5 minutes
10 minutes
30 minutes
If the “Safety” parameter is set to “with time monitoring”,
this parameter can be used to set the maximum permitted time
between telegrams with a logical zero with regard to the safety
Safety =
“with time monitoring”
of drives
all equal
This parameter allows you to determine whether the channels
or drives should be parametrised individually or be made iden-
tical. In the case of individual parametrisation, a corresponding
parametrisation tab will appear for each channel that is selected
as “used”. If the “all equal” setting is used, these tabs and
parameters will only appear once and these will then determine
the behaviour of all channels together.
Addressing mode
per manufacturer and
SMI key ID
In the case of automatic addressing, the actuator independently
programs all configurable drives (those with slave address 0)
with the slave addresses designated in accordance with the
ETS. The highest SMI slave address is thus assigned to the
highest SMI key ID.
If addressing is set to occur per manufacturer and SMI key ID,
the actuator attributes the slave addresses according to the
assignment from the ETS parametrisation.
This parameter can be used to trigger a re-programming of the
slave addresses (that have been parametrised according to the
ETS) in the drives.
“General” tab