PART 3 - Technical manual
Replacing the velcro tape on a bar
The bar velcro bands are wearing parts that wear out over time. The velcro bands will
have to be replaced when they no longer properly secure the turning sheet.
1. Release one end of the velcro band and pull
it off the bar.
2. Use a sharp knife to remove the glue resi-
due. Clean and degrease the bar.
3. Glue the new velcro strip onto the bar. Once
the velcro tape is secured, run a hard roller
over the velcro tape several times to ensure
optimal adhesion to the bar and remove air
pockets from the underside of the velcro
4. You should always use original velcro tape
from Vendlet ApS.
All individual components are delivered as complete units as spare parts.
Please contact Healthcare Lifting Specialist for further information.
In accordance with the Danish Ministry of the Interior and Health Executive Order No.
1263 of 15 December 2008 on Medical Devices, the VENDLET V5 and VENDLET V5+
systems are class I products.
Run a hard roller over the velcro