Safety Precautions
To prevent unlawful modification, the
product has been designed so that
it cannot be easily disassembled.
Modifying the product is prohibited by
the Radio Law.
Contents saved in this product, such as
contacts, mails and bookmarks, might
be altered or lost by an accident, fault,
repair or mishandling. Be sure to keep a
copy of important contents. Note that the
Company assumes no responsibility for
any damages or lost profits resulting from
altered or lost contents.
Note that content data (both charged
or free content) saved on the product
cannot be returned to the customer
when the product is replaced for repair
of a fault, for example.
This product uses liquid crystal for its
display. The display response speed
may become slow when the ambient
temperature is low, which is due to
the property of liquid crystal and not
a malfunction. The display response
speed will return to normal at room
Although the display used on the
product is made using high-precision
technology, some pixels (dots) might
be lit or out at all times. This is not a
Take care not to inconvenience people
around you when you use the product in
a public place.