Basic Operations
• The Company is not liable for damages
suffered by customers resulting from
the service's information, lack or delay
in the information caused by transmission
or system breakdowns, or other events
that are outside the responsibility of the
• Refer to the Japan Meteorological
Agency website for details about
distribution of earthquake early warnings.
• You cannot receive Early warning mail
when the power is off or during a call.
• Early warning mail may not be received
when your cell phone is communicating
such as while sending or receiving
an SMS or e-mail, or when using the
browser, or if you are in a place where
signal does not reach even in the service
area (e.g. in a tunnel, basement) or in a
place with a poor reception.
• Once the reception of an Early warning
mail fails, the same mail cannot be
received again.
• The reception time of earthquake early
warnings may not coincide with similar
emergency warnings broadcasted
through TV, radio or other media since
the earthquake early warnings uses a
different delivery system.
• Information for someplace other than
your current location may be received.