This product is licensed under the VC-1
Patent Portfolio License for the personal
and noncommercial use of a consumer
to (i) encode video in compliance with
the VC-1 standard (henceforth referred
to as VC-1 video) and/or (ii) decode
VC-1 video that was encoded by a
consumer engaged in a personal and
noncommercial activity and/or was
obtained from a video provider licensed to
provide VC-1 video. No license is granted
or shall be implied for any other use.
Additional information may be obtained
from MPEG LA, L.L.C.
User license
About Open Source Software
This product includes the following open
source software based on Android software
developed by Google Inc. See detailed
information in relation to this product on the
following website.
It is prohibited to perform or participate in the
cation, translation, adaptation, reverse
engineering, de-compiling, de-assembly of
the software installed in this product, or a
part thereof.