Easy Start – Activating preinstalled C-IQ products
Depending on the scope of delivery of your unit you can choose from various
preinstalled product options (region, activation period, map data, traffic info, travel
info products etc.). For example you can choose between activation for a limited time
period including free C-IQ CD Update Service or unlimited usage*:
To ensure that C-IQ Easy Start functions without problems, it is imperative that the
current date is received by the navigation system via GPS. Therefore park your vehi-
cle outdoors.
Insert the map CD for the region you want to activate.
Select the C-IQ product for the required region.
Follow the instructions on the display.
Depending on the scope of delivery some units provide you with the opportunity of
switching between various product options within one test period (e.g. for a limited
time period with update service or unlimited).
You can change your activation option with “Easy Start” within the test period.
Please read the enclosed information material for more information on C-IQ prod-
Navi ID
The Navi ID, the Initial ID, the version of the map CD currently loaded (CD ID) and the
software ID of the navigation software are displayed.
Also see “Registering the navigation system” in this section.
C-IQ Info
Here you will find general information about the C-IQ products on the map CD you
have loaded.
This option is only supported by certain map CDs.
C-IQ Service
Here you will find the contact details for your C-IQ Service Centre.
* C-IQ CD Update Service free of charge to an address specified by you – registration
required under www.C-IQ.net or by telephoning the C-IQ Service Centre. The update
service is not available for the unlimited use option. Additional costs could arise with
activation for a limited time period.
C-IQ – Intelligent Content On Demand