Address book
The navigation radio offers the opportunity of storing at least 100 destination ad-
dresses in a personal address book. The address book is divided into the two sections
“Private” and “Business”.
One address can also be stored under “Home” and “Work” for quick access.
Using the “History” option you can also call up the destinations last used for guidance.
Select “Address book” in the “Navi-
gation” menu.
The following options are available:
Store dest.:
Stores the current destination in the address book.
Store via pt.:
Stores a via point in the address book (if one is entered for the current
Edit name
: Opens the menu for editing address names.
Deletes an address from the address book.
Store position:
Stores the current car position in the address book.
Storing addresses in the address book
If you have not yet entered a destination address:
Enter the data of the required destination address (city, road, crossing or special fa-
cility) into the destination input menu.
Select “Address book” in the “Navigation” menu.
Next, select “Store dest.”.
Select which category of the address book the address should be stored in (private,
business, home or work).
The name input menu appears.
Using the “typewriter” enter any string of up to 20 characters as the name for the
address. Complete the input with “OK”.
If you wish to store the address without a name, select “OK” straight away.
The current destination address is then saved in the selected address book category.
Storing via points in the address book
If you have entered via points for the guidance you can store the via points in the ad-
dress book:
Select “Store via pt.” in the “Address book” menu.
Select the via point form the list which you want to store in the address book.
Proceed as described under “Storing addresses in the address book”.