Without Electric Resistance
In case the unit is without an electric an-
tifreeze resistance, the
Energy PLUS
has preventive operation logic which, be-
low -5°C, automatically sets running of
the intake fan at minimum for 10 minutes
every hour.
Also, in case the temperature falls below -10° C,
the unit stops automatically and an alert appears
on the display of the controller: “
With Electric Resistance
In the event that the unit is installed in a cold
climate, we recommend the use of versions
with an electric antifreeze resistance on the
external air intake circuit.
The electric resistances available for Energy
Plus units preheat the air entering the exchanger
in order to avoid freezing of the humid air
extracted and discharged by the exchanger
in the circuit opposite.
In fact, when the external air drops below the
critical temperature, posing the risk of freezing
of the discharged air, the resistance is activated
and modulates the heat output to keep the
temperature of the discharged air within the
desired fluctuation range.
The electric resistances should be selected
in order to maintain the minimum conditions
of indoor comfort at outdoor temperatures down
to -10°C, and in order to avoid the degenerative
formation of ice at discharge down to -15°C
The electric resistance is fitted with a safety
thermostat that turns off the unit in case of
uncontrolled heating. In case the resistance
does not start up, instead, the unit will turn off
if the intake air temperature falls below 5°C.
Activation of the resistance as a result of
the antifreeze function is represented by
the icon
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