Vapac, Virtuoso VE Humidifier, Installation Manual, EN 2024-01, D301474 Iss 0 Page No 17 of 80
Water drain connections
The water drainage pipework must
confirm to local and national codes
and regulations. The installation
must be carried out by suitably
qualified personnel.
Fig 3 on page 15 previously shows
typical water drain connections.
The drain flow rate for all single
cylinder models is 17 litres per
Double cylinder models have two
drain pumps each producing 17
litres per minute. These drain
pumps can operate concurrently.
Drain connection do's:-
• Do use copper or plastic pipe rated for a
temperature of 110°C.
• Do design the pipework to discharge drain
water from the unit into a trapped and
vented drain where flash steam rising from
the drain line vent will not pose a problem to
the humidifier or other equipment. Figure 3
previously illustrates a suitable drain pipeline
• Do provide an adequate fall for the drain
pipework to allow the free flow of water
drained from the unit.
• Do ensure that the drain line is correctly
sized especially if more than one humidifier
is draining into the same pipeline.
• Do ensure metal drain pipework is earthed
electrically close to the unit.
• The minimum drain pipe gradient must be at
least 6.5mm per 300mm.