Vapac, Virtuoso VE Humidifier, Installation Manual, EN 2024-01, D301474 Iss 0 Page No 25 of 80
Fig 13 - knock out gland plates
Control input connections
Virtuoso humidifiers have been designed for
control by the following methods:-
• On / off demand signal VFC by others
(terminals 57 and 59)
• External demand signal 0-10V DC (e.g. BMS)
by others (terminal 58 [+V DC] and terminal
59 [-V DC])
• Temperature / humidity sensor by others
(terminals H0V, H24V, 60 [TH1], 61 [TH2]
and 62 [OP1])
Only one of the control inputs
detailed above can be used at any
Use screened cable for all control and safety
circuit connections to minimise risk of electrical
Safety circuit / emergency shut down
A pair of volt free terminals (13 and 14) have
been provided to allow connection of an
emergency shut down button or a fire alarm
interlock / fire shut down facility. Other control
interlocks such as a fan interlock, airflow switch,
high limit hygrostat or any combination of
them may also be connected in series to these
terminals. These terminals should be looped out
if not used. It should be noted that breaking of
these terminals will prevent all operation of the
Volt free outputs
The unit has connections for the following volt
free outputs:-
• T63 and T64 Alarm signal (close on alarm)
• T65 and T66 Run signal (close on run)
Wiring diagrams
The following wiring diagrams are provided at
the rear of this manual.
Drawing No
D301585 (3 shts)
Single phase models
VE05-1P, VE09-1P
D301586 (3 shts)
Three phase single cylinder models
VE09-3P, VE18-3P, VE30-3P, VE45-3P
D301587 (3 shts)
Three phase double cylinder models
VE60-3P, VE90-3P
Gland opening plates
Fig 14 - Control input and interlock connections