Vapac, Virtuoso VE Humidifier, Installation Manual, EN 2024-01, D301474 Iss 0 Page No 49 of 80
2. Return the I/O/II switch to the "O" (Off)
3. Disconnect the unit from the incoming
electrical supply by means of the adjacent
external isolator (disconnect switch). This
should be “locked off” to prevent accidental
4. Remove the front access panel(s) to gain
access to the steam cylinder(s).
5. Remove the cylinder spring clip, then
carefully ease off (lever) the black electrode
caps and the white cylinder full sensor cap.
6. If the cylinder is to be replaced, care should
be taken not to twist the electrode caps
while removing the black power caps. The
electrodes can rotate in the cylinder bosses
(if the plastic cylinder is hot) and lead to
unbalanced electrical loads.
7. Loosen the hose clip and disconnect the
steam hose from the top of the cylinder.
8. Using a twisting movement, lift the cylinder
clear of its seating in the feed / drain
manifold and carefully remove the used
cylinder from the unit.
9. Inspect the feed / drain manifold to ensure it
is clear of sediment.
10. Insert the cylinder into the feed / drain
manifold, pushing it down firmly to ensure
it is seated correctly and replace the cylinder
spring clip.
11. Reconnect the steam hose using the hose
12. Replace the electrode caps ensuring that
they are replaced in the same sequence as
when removed. With the cylinder full pin
towards the front of the unit, electrode
number 1 will be to the left of the white
cylinder full electrode. Electrodes 2, 3 etc.
will be sequentially connected clockwise
around the cylinder (from number 1), when
viewed from above.
13. The connections to the cylinder should be
routed as close as possible to their original
Cleanable steam cylinders
Cleanable versions of the steam cylinders are
available which can be opened to allow removal
of loose scale deposit. The cylinder design is
the same as the standard cylinder but instead
of a welded join, the two parts are brought
together by a seal and two clamping rings with
quick-release fasteners. The equivalent cleanable
cylinder may be ordered via your Vapac
Distribution Partner.
When servicing a cleanable cylinder, take it to
an area where it is convenient to open it up and
dispose of the contents. When cleaning out
loose material also remove any build-up on the
end of the short "cylinder full" electrode.
Make sure the slotted strainer is clean, intact
and in place. When re-assembling, use a new
seal and make sure the mating surfaces are free
of scale particles as they will prevent a perfect
seal and cause leaks.
Do not touch an operating
cleanable cylinder in case there is a
leak allowing water with a voltage
applied to seep out.
Do not interfere with the electrodes
in a cleanable cylinder; if they are
badly eroded and / or the internal
positioning ring is free, a new
cylinder should be used
Steam hoses
The steam hoses used with the unit externally
and internally should be inspected as part of
normal maintenance procedures. At the first
signs of deterioration, the steam hose should be
removed and replaced.