MS-350 NP Operating Instructions Ver 4.02E
The impulse sealer is a machine which sends strong electric current quickly to the thin ribbon heater,
which presses against the film and instantly heat seals the package. Though this machine yields superior
quality sealing, it is not compatible with films thicker than that indicated in the diagram below, sponge-
like sheets, and materials which are not able to withstand high heat.
Film thickness limits for the MS-350 NP series are described below. The machine cannot seal bags which
are thicker than that indicated. The machine may malfunction if you try to exceed the limits of the
Warning - Caution labels are placed in locations where there is a danger of injury to a person or damage to the
machine. Label location details are illustrated below. Please check them before beginning operation.
Labels not readily apparent are indicated by dotted lines.
Heating method
Heater width
Film thickness (total thickness of piled film)
Single side heating
10mm (0.39")
Less than 0.5mm
4 Proper use of the sealer
5 Warning-caution label location and content
If Warning-caution labels peel off or are lost, please purchase the proper labels
and place them in the appropriate location.