Installation instructions geoTHERM VWS/VWW 0020051574_01
Details for VWW
Magnitude of the mass flow that can be extracted from the ground
Ground water pump type
Details regarding the heat consuming system
If a second pump was incorporated to overcome the pressure loss-
es: Manufacturer and type of the second pump
Heating load of the underfloor heating
Heating load of the wall heating
Heating load of the combination underfloor heating/radiators
Was a secondary return installed? (Yes/No)
Starting up the heat pump system
Checks before handing over to the user
Pressure of the heating circuit in a cold state
Does the heating system get warm?
Does the water in the DHW cylinder get warm?
Controller settings
Were the basic settings made on the controller?
Was the anti-Legionella function programmed? (Interval and tem-
Handover to the user
Was the user instructed on the following points?
Basic function and operation of the controlller
Operation of the bleeding device
Maintenance intervals
Documentation handover
Was the operating manual handed over to the user?
Was the installation manual handed over to the user?
Were the manuals for all the accessories handed over to the user?
Table 15.1 Reference checklist (cont.)
Reference 15