Description of parameters
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Underload protection, zero frequency load
The torque limit can be set between 5.0—150.0 % x TnMotor.
This parameter gives value for the minimum torque allowed with zero frequency. See Figure
If you change the value of parameter
(Motor nominal current) this parameter is
automatically restored to the default value.
This time can be set between 2.0 and 600.0 s.
This is the maximum time allowed for an underload state to exist. An internal up/down counter
counts the accumulated underload time. If the underload counter value goes above this limit
the protection will cause a trip according to parameter
). If the drive is stopped the under-
load counter is reset to zero. See Figure 23.
Figure 23. Underload time counter function
Automatic restart: Wait time
Defines the time before the frequency converter tries to automatically restart the motor after
the fault state has disappeared.
Automatic restart: Trial time
The Automatic restart function restarts the frequency converter when the fault state has
disappeared and the waiting time has elapsed.
The trial time count starts from the first autorestart. If the number of faults occurring during
the trial time exceeds 3 the fault state becomes active. Otherwise the fault is cleared after the
trial time has elapsed and the next fault starts the trial time count again.
If a single fault remains during the trial time, a fault state is true.
Par. ID716
Trip area
Underload time counter
No underl.
par. ID713