The adjusting knob enables you to adjust the duration of the air inlet/extraction cycle from a minimum of 30 seconds to a maximum of 200 seconds, depending
on the difference in temperature between inside and outside. If the difference in temperature between inside and outside is high, the cycle duration should
be as short as possible to guarantee the highest thermal performance. If, instead, the difference in temperature is close to zero, the cycle should last as much
as possible. For example, if the temperature outside is –5°C and the difference in temperature between inside and outside is high, turn the knob on the thickest
DT line. Conversely, if the difference in temperature is small or close to zero, turn the knob on the thinnest DT line; below are four reference values:
CYCLE DURATION 35s 70s 130s 220s
20° 10° 5° 0°/2°
1 2 3 4
The control unit, is constituted by two buttons that contain all the functions of the product inside them. The central LED, between the on-off button and the
info button allows you to view the sending the command to the fan unit.
The on / off button allows the activation or deactiva-
tion the
The info button It allows you to view the status of the
unit. A press of the Info button the unit's operating
mode is displayed, the speed of the fan and if you
have set the sensor functions and night operation.
the buttons on second line allow you to select the
operating mode:
- Auto: units alternates the extraction and immission
- Out: only extraction flow
- In: only immission flow
- In / out :allow to do the recovery cycles,automatical
ly adjusted as a function of detected temperatures
The buttons on the third line allow you to choose the
speed of operation of the fan, from left to the right :
- First speed
- Second speed
- Third speed
The down button on the left is the Sensor. enables the
speed of automatic operation; The unit, through the
light sensor and the humidity sensor inside the electro-
nic card, will select the appropriate fan speed for
correct operation.
The button on the right down , strength the unit in night
mode; the night speed allows the operation of the
unit with a minimum speed for make the unit quieter
and more adequate to nighttime use.