USL, Inc.
JSD-80 Instruction Manual
Page 38
3rd Edition. February, 2006
RS232 (DB-9F)
RS232 (DB-9F)
1. Reserved
2. TXD Transmit Data
3. RXD Receive Data
4. Reserved
5. Signal Ground
6. Reserved
7. CTS Clear To Send
8. RTS Request To Send
9. +5 V for Bluetooth Adaptor
Automation (DB-25F)
Automation (DB-25F)
1. Mono pulse
2. Stereo pulse - A Type
3. Stereo pulse SR
4. Aux pulse
5. External 1 - Analog
6. External 2 - AES/EBU
7. Non-Sync pulse
8. Mic pulse
9. Reserved
10. Mute Pulse
11. Reserved
12. Automation Return
13. +5 V DC
14. Mono LED
15. Stereo A LED
16. Stereo SR LED
17. Aux LED
18. Extl. 1 LED - Analog
19. Ext. 2 LED - AES/EBU
20. Non-Sync LED
21. Mic LED
22. Reserved
23. Mute LED
24. Reserved
25. Projector Changeover
Monitor Output (DB-25M)
Monitor Output (DB-25M)
1. Chassis Gnd
2. Out L +
3. Out LC -
4. Chassis Gnd
5. Out C +
6. Out RC -
7. Chassis Gnd
8. Out R +
9. Chassis Gnd
10. Out LS -
11. Out RS -
12. Out SW -
13. Chassis Gnd
14. Out L -
15. Chassis Gnd
16. Out LC +
17. Out C-
18. Chassis Gnd
19. Out RC +
20. Out R -
21. N/C
22. Chassis Gnd
23. Out LS +
24. Out RS +
25. Out SW +
Ext 1 - Analog (DB-25F)
Ext 1 - Analog (DB-25F)
1. Analog Gnd
2. In Rs
3. Analog Gnd
4. Analog Gnd
5. Analog Gnd
6. Analog Gnd
6. Analog Gnd
7. Analog Gnd
8. Analog Gnd
9. Analog Gnd
10. Analog Gnd
11. Analog Gnd
12. Analog Gnd
13. Analog Gnd
14. In L
15. In Ls
16. In Rc
17. In R
18. In Lc
19. Analog Gnd
20. In C
21. Reserved
22. Analog Gnd
23. Analog Gnd
24. In SW
25. N/C
Ext 2 AES/EBU (DB-25F)
Ext 2 AES/EBU (DB-25F)
1. L/R/ Return
2. L/R -
3. C/SW +
4. C/SW Return
5. Ls/Rs -
6. Lc/Rc +
7. Chassis Gnd
8. N/C
9. Chassis Gnd
10. N/C
11. N/C
12. Chassis Gnd
13. N/C
14. L/R +
15. Ls/Rs Return
16. C/SW -
17. Ls/Rs +
18. Lc/Rc Return
19. Lc/Rc -
20. Chassis Gnd
21. N/C
22. N/C
23. Chassis Gnd
24. N/C
25. N/C
Projector Inputs (DB-9F)
Projector Inputs (DB-9F)
1. In L+
2. In L-
3. Chassis Gnd
4. In R+
5. In R-
6. Analog Gnd
7. Reserved
8. Reserved
9. Analog Gnd
Mic Inputs (DB-9F)
Mic Inputs (DB-9F)
1. Mic in +
2. Mic in -
3. Reserved
4. Reserved
5. Chassis Gnd.
6. N/C
7. 9 V
8. Analog Gnd.
9. N/C
Section 12: Appendix
Connector Pinouts