USL, Inc.
JSD-80 Instruction Manual
Page 33
3rd Edition. February, 2006
10.1 Preset Format Levels
Click on the FORMATS tab. Select the format
of interest. Adjust the “Format Level” on this
panel to an appropriate setting.
Note: When changing levels in EXT 1 or
EXT 2, remember to also change the Ste-
reo SR level the same amount.
10.2 Startup Mode
Select the default startup mode from the list
shown. Selecting NON-SYNC will cause the
unit to “wake up” in non-sync every time it
is powered up. Choosing “Last Selected” will
cause the unit to resume its last operational
format before it was powered down.
10.3 Remote Fader
1. The remote fader function can be
accomplished with a simple pair of
normally open switches. One button
increases levels, the other decreases
levels. The LED display on the JSD will
indicate the change in discrete steps
limited to 4.0 - 9.0.
10.4 System Restore
1. In the event of a catastrophic system
failure, you may install the last con-
Section 10: Other Options
figuration saved to the Personality
Module (1). If the control card is the
module that has failed you will need
to remove the Personality Module
from it and insert it into the replace-
ment control card from USL. If the
input or output card has failed, you
simply need to replace the failed one
with a new module from USL. Once
the replacement module is installed,
you will hold down the restore button
(4) as you power up the system. Hold
the restore button until the “Restore”
LED (5) begins to fl ash. Within thirty
seconds, the “Restore” LED (5) stops
fl ashing, the system is restored. Turn
off the unit, wait 60 seconds and turn
it back on. This procedure will restore
the system without the need for a lap-
top or technician.
Note: If you are replacing the control
module as a part of the repair process,
remember to remove the Personality Mod-
remember to remove the Personality Mod-
ule from the defective card and insert it
into the replacement control module.
into the replacement control module.
10.5 Format Options
This feature allows the technician to change
some of the Format button/automation
functions. By clicking on the Format Op-
tions box on the Formats tab on Laptop
Interface Software the options are displayed
for each of the Format selections.