USL, Inc.
JSD-80 Instruction Manual
Page 23
3rd Edition. February, 2006
8.1 Preparing The Sound Head
1. Clean the soundhead optics thor-
oughly. If the fi lm guide rollers are
worn, replace them. Excessive side to
side weave will cause insurmountable
problems for the stereo circuitry and
must be corrected prior to installa-
2. If the exciter lamp is old or blackened
inside, replace it. Make sure the lamp is
operating at a voltage greater than 60%
of its rating. We strongly recommend
converting the projector to be compat-
ible with the new cyan soundtracks
with a red LED lamp source such as
an ULTRA*STEREO Jaxlight or RSTR
Reverse Scan Reader.
3. With the mono solar cell in the projec-
tor, run the SMPTE BUZZ TRACK fi lm
and align the guide rollers for mini-
mum output.
4. For stereo installations, remove the
mono solar cell and place a white card
about an inch away from the sound
lens. The image of the exciter lamp
fi lament should look as in the illustra-
tion below. If necessary, raise or lower
the lamp and move it in and out until
the fi lament is centered in the spot of
light. This will insure that the slit is
evenly illuminated, thereby producing
the least distortion in playback.
8.2 Alignment of Solar Cell and
Preamplifi er
1. Mount the stereo solar cell on the pro-
jector and position the bracket, so that
the slit image hits the upper part of the
cell. The cell should be approximately
0.040 inch (1 mm) behind the fi lm such
that the slit image just fi lls the cell
width, but does NOT spill over.
2. Install the audio line from the cell
to the JSD-80. Use Belden Nº 8404
or equivalent four-conductor twin-
shielded cable, or a pair of two-con-
ductor shielded cables such as Belden
Nº 8451. (A single two-conductor or
three-conductor shielded cable is not
recommended.) Connect the lines to
a 9-pin male D-type connector. The
pinout for this connector is in Sec-
tion 12. Be sure that the RED lead of
the cell is connected to the “L” input
terminal marked “+” and the GREEN
lead of the cell is connected to the “R”
input terminal marked “+.” The BLACK
cell leads connect to the low “-” input
terminals of BOTH Left and Right chan-
nels respectively.
Section 8. “A” Chain Alignment