USL, Inc.
JSD-80 Instruction Manual
Page 28
3rd Edition. February, 2006
To set the emergency digital fall back screen
on the laptop interface, select “EXT 2” for-
mat. A box labelled “Digital Fallback” will
appear. Simply select the emergency format
desired. Selecting “EXT 2” will keep the pro-
cessor in that format even though the audio
may be muted. When the AES/EBU data is
restored, the system will un-mute and con-
tinue to operate in the “EXT 2” format.
8.9 Digital Time Delays
When “EXT 2” is selected, a box labelled
”Digital Delay” will appear. The “Input De-
lay” slider controls the overall time delay
required to compensate for various video
projectors. For example, a typical DLP pro-
jector requires about 80 ms delay. Consult
your video projector manual for the exact
delay required. The second slider controls
the delay for the surround channels. The
surround delay should be set by the follow-
ing formula:
Length of theatre - (width of theatre/2) + 20
= Delay (in ms)
Note: After you are satisfi ed with the A
Chain settings, you will want to save
them to the unit. Refer to Section 9.5 for
Note: When the computer is connected
to and controlling the JSD-80, the front
panel controls will not function, with the
exception of the Mute button.