8 OF 18
distance between the sensor and the source can be used.
8B. Dynamic / Measurement Range With UIT detectors:
The UIT2400 can measure current
from 1 pA to 1mA however the recommended range for calibrated readings is 50 pA to 1mA.
This range does not take into account the range of current the sensor is capable of supplying
to the meter. Not all sensors allow linear calibrated measurements over this range.
To determine the operating range for a specific sensor when used with the UIT2400, the
formula is to divide the Min and Max current measurement ranges, as noted above, by the
sensors calibration factor from the ILT calibration certificate. (see 15P for information on
calibration factors). For example: SED220 is a vacuum Phototube with a working current
range of 50 pA to
1µA and a typical calibration factor of
2.0 e-3.
Min current of 50 pA / cal factor 2.0 e-3 (A)(cm2)(W-1) = min reading of 2.5E-08 W/cm2
Max current range of
1 µA /
cal factor 2.0 e-3 (A)(cm2)(W-1) = max reading of 5.0E-04 W/cm2.
9. Sample Time and Limitations:
When using the internal computer and display, the device can update as fast as 50 samples
per second assuming the light intensity is strong enough to allow valid measurements at the
fastest settings.
There are multiple factors that affect the sampling time including the sensors rise time,
the light level software selection, software settings and the method used to store and transfer
or display the data.
10. 5V Bias:
The UIT2400 can supply a 5V bias to sensors to increase the response time. Please apply 5V bias if
the calibration sheet indicates the use of bias during calibration
11. Home Screen:
When the meter is turned on it will take a few moments for the software to
Upon completion the home screen will be displayed. To return to the home
screen at any time, simply touch on the < Back
arrow in the top left of the display in settings
screens, or touch on the home icon within a measurement screen. (Note: customers can skip
the home screen by changing the start up app in settings)
12. Display Style Selection:
Select your display style based on user preference:
Meter Tall:
Meter displays the data in numerical format with NO GRAPH. Tall sets the display
to Portrait mode (usb ports on the right)
Meter Wide:
Meter displays the data in numerical format with NO
GRAPH. Wide sets the meter to landscape mode (usb ports on
the top)
Trend Tall:
Trend displays the data in numerical format along with
a chart containing a bar or line graph. (see 15I & 15J to make
changes to the chart settings)Tall sets the display to Portrait mode
(usb ports and on off switch on the right).
Trend Wide:
Trend displays the data in numerical format along