User Guide Ver:1.1 Page:
Technical & Security Notes
Key things to know about your USBK- CryptoBridge
On-the fly Encryption – Always
When you use your USBK, all data encryption/decryption is performed automatically and
absolutely transparent to you. It cannot be disabled.
Fabric Default
You must personalize your before you start to use it. You are forced to set new password at
first usage.
After this password setting, random encryption key(s) is assigned on your USBK. That’s why,
it is strongly recommended to set your encryption key(s) and take in care the notes here at
Encryption key(s).
Password protected
Do not share your password with anyone- keep it secret.
It's Self-destruct
After 3 wrong password attempts, USBK erases all your encryption key(s) and password,
returns back to Fabric Default. You are forced to set new password same as at first usage.
Take in care the notes here at Fabric Default.
Encryption key(s)
After setting/changing your encryption key(s), write down encryption key(s) in note for future
reference, but remember to keep it confidential. There’s no way to recover encryption key(s)
as they are never exported or displayed during usage of USBK. A lost of encryption keys
results in lost of data on BackDisk. Therefore, it is very important that you remember the
encryption key(s) or store it in a safe place.
Format at first-time use of BackDisk
You must format your BackDisk (USB stick / USB external harddisk) when it is the first time
use with your new encryption key(s).
Use only on trusted HostSytems
HostSystem should be protected against virus, trojan, malware or any type of network
attacks which can compromise the security of data transfer between the HostSystem and
USBK. Operational environment should also be trusted.
Any person, any application or software that use the open platform of computer can access
the BackDisk and become a user when USBK is in “
” state.
Take more care when your USBK in ‘Auto-Activation”
If you carry and lose your BackDisk plugged-on your USBK in “Auto-Activation Enabled”, any
user can access your data on your BackDisk when he plug in the computer as no password
is asked to verify user. Just carry only your USBK when “Auto-Activation Enabled” for the
security of data on your BackDisk.