Table 7-19
Parameter Description
Face Library Type
Set the parameter to either of the following options based on actual conditions:
Employee Library
Visitor Library
Face Library Name
Enter a library name of 1 to 63 characters.
Check Template
Select a check template from the drop-down list. Check templates are added on the
1:N Match Threshold
The 1:N match is adopted in face recognition. When the match similarity reaches the threshold set
here, the authentication succeeds.
Verify Success
Open door: After the authentication succeeds, a door opening signal is sent to trigger door opening.
Light Prompt: A light prompt is played after the authentication succeeds.
Voice Prompt: A voice prompt is played after the authentication succeeds.
HMI Prompt: A prompt is displayed on the GUI after the authentication succeeds.
Wiegand Output: Data is output through the Wiegand interface after the authentication succeeds.
Verify Failure
Light Prompt: A light prompt is played after the authentication fails.
Voice Prompt: A voice prompt is played after the authentication fails.
HMI Prompt: A prompt is displayed on the GUI after the authentication fails.
Modifying a face library
Select a required face library and click
In the displayed
Edit Face Library
interface, modify parameters by referring to the description in
Figure 7-44
Edit Face Library Interface
to complete the modification.
Deleting a face library
Select a required face library and click
In the displayed confirmation box, click
to delete the face library.
Deleting a face library will delete people in the face library.