Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
Marvel Mini
Subject to change without notice.
120.9-IM (1218)
application The total amount of units that appear here will
match the Total Units in the network
Network Setup
Rotate on Alarm>Yes
Unit OFF>Yes
The Rotate on Alarm will allow the units to shut down when
an alarm occurs within a unit that is operating If a unit shuts
down due to an alarm, another unit within the network (if
available) will be brought on Unit OFF when set to Yes will
turn off the unit that went into alarm
Network Setup
Alarm Transfers:
Airflow >Yes
Drain Pan
Comp 1 HP or LP >Yes
Comp 2 HP or LP >Yes
Comp 3 HP or LP >Yes
Comp 4 HP or LP >Yes
Setting any of the Alarm Transfers listed above will
automatically transfer the unit with alarms to the standby
mode and bring the next unit in line within the network out
of stand-by to the on position
Return Temp
Actual > 073.00 °F
Offset > 000.00 °F
Custom > Yes
> 0-10vdc
Minimum >-050.00 °F
Maximum > 150.00 °F
Supply Temp
Actual> 073.00 °F
Offset> 000.00 °F
Custom> No
The screens above are two variations of setups The Offset
is that calibration adjustment for the sensor
One of the biggest benefits of the Marvel controller is the
ability to add a field replacement sensor when a sensor has
failed and it is imperative to get the unit back up and running
immediately Typically Factory Supplied Sensors are not
custom sensors. If a field replacement was purchased
locally (Please consult the factory about types before doing
so), Setting the Custom to Yes will allow the adjustments for
Type of Sensor and Range of sensor (Minimum/Maximum)
to appear. These settings must be configured for the sensor
that was purchased