Viewing Your Contact List on the Phone
Once you enter contacts into you contact list, you can see them directly on your handset.
1. With the phone in standby, press the
PC Call
soft key. The handset displays your
contact list with the last sorting order used.
2. To change the sorting order, press the
soft key. This opens the PC menu.
3. Move the cursor to select SORT CONTACTS and press the center of the joystick or the
soft key.
4. Choose whether to sort your contact list by name or by presence (whether a contact is
online, offline, or busy). If you have created groups in your contact list, you can also sort
the contact list by group. Press the center of the joystick or the
soft key.
5. To change how your contacts are displayed, move the cursor to select VIEW
CONTACTS and press the center of the joystick or the
soft key.
6. Choose the information about your contacts that you want to display: the nickname (or display name), the full
name, the email address, or the phone number. Press the center of the joystick or the
soft key.
Downloading Contacts to the Phonebook
You can download names and phone numbers from your contact list to your phone. There are few things you should
know about how your contact list and your handset phonebook interact:
If you have more than 100 names on your contact list, the contact list will download the first 100 contacts.
If you create or edit phonebook entries directly on your handset, the contact list leaves those entries intact
when downloading. If you want the contact list to overwrite an entry in the handset phonebook, just delete that
entry from the phonebook before downloading the contact list.