Manual – Starflow Ultrasonic Doppler Instrument
Model 6526
Unidata Manual - 6526 Starflow User Manual Issue 17 01 2020.docx
Page 69
The Starflow contains a Micrologger which is similar in operation to other Unidata Data Loggers.
This section describes the detailed operation of this Data Logger and most users will not need to
refer to this information.
Communications (Starlog) Protocol
The Starflow communicates using standard asynchronous, RS-232 serial communication
standards which allow it to communicate with a PC
The communication format is:
RS-232C compatible
300 to 76800 baud (9600 baud default)
8 data bits, 1 stop/start bit, no parity
You connect a computer to the Starflow via the 9-pin socket which is part of the Model 6603D-SDI
cable. This allows you to load and unload schemes and data.
If the interface is connected, the Starflow sends a prompt to the interface (host computer). This
prompt is an ASCII asterisk followed by a carriage return ( * c/r ).
The Starflow then waits 1 second for a request from the host computer. If no request is received
the Starflow powers down (switches off). If a scan occurs during RS-232 communications then the
measurement and reading will be processed.
Memory Layout
The Starflow uses its data CMOS memory for:
Hardware Registers - Storage of housekeeping registers.
Logger Program - Storage of user scheme definition.
Buffer Control Table - Storage of pointers controlling Log Buffer.
Log Buffer - End of logger program to end of memory for recording measured data
Hardware Register Information
The information contained in the header may be viewed in Test Mode or used by programmers
wishing to write their own unload and analysis programs. The table below gives a description of
each register numbered 0 to 255. For multiple byte registers the convention used is – least
significant byte to most significant byte (LSB,MSB).
The Starflow, operating the standard instruction set, has the following fixed memory assignments
in the Hardware Register: