Manual – Starflow Ultrasonic Doppler Instrument
Model 6526
Unidata Manual - 6526 Starflow User Manual Issue 17 01 2020.docx
Page 68
Other Applications
If the channel you are measuring cannot be defined in the Cross-Sectional Area File (such as a
partly filled ovoid pipe) you must supply your own Area Rating Table. This is called a User Area
Rating Table. This is only necessary if you cannot create a Cross-Sectional Area File. For most
applications, the Area Rating Table is generated automatically from a Cross-Sectional Area File
you create.
A User Area Rating Table is a text file with 1,000 entries spread evenly over the table range (as
specified in the scheme) representing the cross-sectional area for each depth. For example, if the
table range is 2m (2,000mm) then with 1,000 entries spread evenly, each entry is 2mm apart.
This table shows the depth for which each entry in the file represents an area:
Table Range
Entry 1
0 mm
0 mm
0 mm
0 mm
Entry 2
1 mm
2 mm
5 mm
10 mm
Entry 3
2 mm
4 mm
10 mm
20 mm
Entry 1000
999 mm
1998 mm
4995 mm
9990 mm
There is no special format for the file, only that each entry must be separated by whitespace
(spaces, tabs or new lines) and that there are exactly 1,000 entries. The numbers must be positive
(zero or greater) and may include a fractional part. The area values are in mm
Selecting Channels to Log
You may now select whichever channels you wish to record. You may not select AVE values to
record for Flow Rate, Flow and Total Flow channels as these are already processed and cannot be
13.1.4 Event Processing on Extended Channels
These channels may be used to trigger events. For example, you may wish to trip (switch on) a
water sampler after every megalitre has flowed through the channel. Using the 6526-cm Flow
Extension (which measures in litres), the Event definition in this example would look like this: