Solvents are heavier than air and accumulate near the fl oor.
The area or room where the solvent recycler is located must have suffi cient natural or artifi cial ventilation
to prevent the accumulation of solvent vapor air mixtures. If a ventilator is used it must be of class 1, divi
sion 1 and used in a way to safely exhaust fumes. Check the arrangement with local authorities.
Fire Extinguisher:
A fi re extinguisher (dry chemical type) of class BC or ABC must be kept nearby.
) Comply with the instructions in the section: CAUTIONS AND WARNINGS.
3)Ensure that the safety lid and door freely opens fully and a container for receiving the distilled solvent
can freely move in and out of the cabinet. The unit must be in a location where people or equipment can-
not disturb the cable or connection. The cord must be connected directly to the main power supply; an
extension cord cannot be used.
4) Connect the unit to a dedicated, single phase 220/240V, 30 Amp branch circuit.
This unit recycles fl ammable solvents and combustible solvents. Flammable solvents include lacquer thin-
ner, paint thinner, acetone and other paint diluents. Flammable Solvents have a fl ash point below 38.7°C
(100°F). These solvents are commonly used in the industry as a cleaning solvent, or as a paint diluent.
Dirty solvent to be distilled must meet
each requirement
described below. The MSDS, material solvent
data sheet, provides data on the properties of the virgin solvent.
1) The BP (Boiling Point) of the dirty solvent must be less than 200°C (392°F) for the URS2000 Series
and 240°C (464°F) for the URS2000PW and the RI 80. BP increases with greater contamination.
2) The auto-ignition temperature of the solvent to be distilled must be higher than 250°C (482°F) for safe
operation. Do not recycle Nitrocellulose. The auto ignition temperature is 135°C (275°F).
• Recycle recently contaminated solvent only. Standing solvent can become acidic over time.
To avoid “FISH EYE” problems, do not recycle both paint dilutents and parts washer solvent in the
same unit.
Waste Residue
The waste residue of some paints will remain moist after recycling due to the composition of the paint
itself. A dry waste residue is not guaranteed.
Defi nitions
Flash Point:
The lowest temperature at which the vapor of a solvent can be made to ignite momentarily in air.
Auto-ignition Temperature (often referred to as “ignition Temperature” or “Ignition Point”):
The temperature at which solvent ignites by itself.