f your model is URS2000SSP follow the instructions below. Otherwise skip this section and continue to section 6,
Finish Recycling.
Set Up:
Fill receiving container with 5 L of clean solvent. This level of solvent is needed to create a vacuum at the venturi.
This step is done once, before the fi rst recycling.
The set up temperature in degrees centigrade (C) is the boiling point of the solvent plus 40 degrees.
With vacuum, the set up temperature is the boiling point of the solvent plus 10 degrees C and not more than 200
degrees C. The power percentage is set to 80 % if the voltage is above 220 V. The power percentage is set to 90 %
if the voltage is below 220 V.
Operating Procedures:
After the operator presses “ON” to turn on the solvent recycler, turn on the vacuum toggle switch. This step will start
the vacuum pump.
Once the heat light has gone off , the recycler has gone into cooling, turn off the vacuum toggle switch. This step
will stop the vacuum pump. If the operator forgets to turn off the toggle switch the clean recycled solvent from the
receiving pail will return to the distillation tank due to a higher vacuum.
5) Recycling
On fi rst power up and on RESET, the Display Panel shows the Software Version, then:
“READY S.P. = XXX°C” (S.P. = SET POINT). When Setup is complete and START has been pressed,
the “HEAT” light comes on and the recyling process begins.
During the boiling phase, 3 temperatures
will alternate on the Display: “SET-PT”, “TANK” and “VAPOR EX.”
When the boiling phase is complete,
“COOLING” will be displayed. Note: the fan may still be running; this is normal as it continues to run until
the temperatue drops below 50°C. To cancel the cycle, press the “STOP” key.
If your model is URS2000SSP, vacuum version, see the note at the bottom of the page.
6) Finish Recycling
The clean, recycled solvent is available for use when the display shows “READY S.P. = XXX°C”. After the
clean solvent is transferred, the unit will be ready for another cycle.
7) Transfer Clean Solvent
a) For models without the Solvent Transfer System: remove the pail and replace with an empty one.
b) For models with the Solvent Transfer System: turn the Transfer Timer knob clockwise fully. The clean
solvent will fl ow out of the Solvent Receiving Pail into either a free-standing, external container or the
Clean Solvent Pail of a Spray Gun Cleaner. The transfer will stop when the timer runs out.
8) Remove Debris:
Remove the Retainer Ring and slowly pull the Liner Bag containing the debris out of the distillation tank in
a way that the Liner Bag does not break. Dispose of the debris in accordance with local regulations.