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The MiniBright 3-LED is an underwater lamp. Use with low voltage, includes transformer for outdoor use (IP 44). The socket for the transformer must be at 

least 3.5 m from the pond.


MiniBright 3LED

Nominal voltage



LED G4 12VAC - 24SMD


230VAC/12VAC  6 VA

Cable length 

5 m

Nominal power 

3 x 



Max. installation depth 

0.2 m


2 years


transformer for outdoor use (IP44)

Safety instructions

•  The pond fl oodlight must be connected to a network with 230 VAC/50 Hz via a safety transformer according to the requirements of the harmonised EU-Directives, 

EU-Safety standards and product-specifi c standards. Possibly ask your local utility regarding connection regulations.

•  The safety transformer used must be connected to an outside safety socket with earth (IP X4) at a distance of at least 3.5 m from the pond.

•  The connected bulb capacity must not exceed the rated capacity of the safety transformer! A too high load may damage the transformer beyond repair. Only a 

safety transformer recommended for this should be used for correct operation of the pond fl oodlight.

•  The pond fl oodlight is intended for underwater use. Pay attention that the fl oodlight is always fully submerged in the water to guarantee suffi  cient cooling of the 

fl oodlight.

•  Do not use the cable for carrying the pond fl oodlight and never pull at the cable.

•  The electric cable cannot be replaced. If the cable is damaged, the pond fl oodlight must not be used any longer and must be correctly disposed.

•  The power supply must always be disconnected during assembly and disassembly of the pond fl oodlight and during maintenance work.

• The device is not suitable for usage by persons (Including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge, 

unless supervised by a   person responsible for their safety or they have been instructed in the usage of the device. Children must be supervised to ensure that 

they are not playing with the device.


The MiniBright 3-LED is just perfect for fl oodlighting water ornaments. This is done as follows (see the illustrations):

1.   Slide the spotlight through the T-section and hose. 

2.   Push the rubber cap on to the light cord below the T-section and then onto the T-section. 

3.   Slide the hose and spotlight upwards though a cover or grate.

4. Finally, place the ornament on the cover/grate, on top of the hose and light.

Changing the LED

1. Remove the mains plug from the socket.

2. Remove any residual water.

3. Pull out the glass tube of the bulb.

4. Replace the bulb (do not touch the bulb with your fi ngers).

5. Slide the cover of the lamp (thoroughly dried) back on.


Follow the same instructions as for changing the LED. Use only water and a soft brush. Ensure that no damp enters the fi tting!


It is not possible to repair damage to the cable, housing or transformer. The product may then no longer be used, and should be destroyed.


We give a 2-year guarantee from the date of purchase on materials and manufacturing defects for this product. To make a claim under this guarantee, the original 

invoice must be submitted as proof of purchase. Claims brought about by incorrect installation or operation, inadequate maintenance, the eff ects of frost, inexpert 

attempts at repair, the use of force, wrongful acts by a third-party, overloading and foreign objects, as well as all damage to parts resulting from wear and tear, are 

not covered by this guarantee.

By virtue of the Product Liability Act, we are not liable for damage caused by our equipment, if this is the result of inexpert repairs.


  MiniBright 3 LED


Environmental Protection

Waste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist.  

Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Manual minibright 3 led.indd   3

21-10-15   17:31

Содержание MiniBright 3LED

Страница 1: ...MiniBright 3 MiniBright 3 MiniBright 3 MiniBright 3 MiniBright 3 MiniBright 3 MiniBright 3 MiniBright 3 LED Manual minibright 3 led indd 1 21 10 15 17 31 ...

Страница 2: ...9254 45 40 B Outside Living Industries Belux BVNR Ubbink Garten GmbH 17 rue de la Baignerie 59000 Lille 0033 0 320 17 93 93 0033 0 320 17 93 94 F Berenkoog 87 1822 BN Alkmaar 0031 0 72 5671 604 0031 0 72 5671 673 NL Outside Living Industries Nederland B V Outside Living Industries France Manual minibright 3 led indd 2 21 10 15 17 31 ...

Страница 3: ...sible for their safety or they have been instructed in the usage of the device Children must be supervised to ensure that they are not playing with the device Installation The MiniBright 3 LED is just perfect for floodlighting water ornaments This is done as follows see the illustrations 1 Slide the spotlight through theT section and hose 2 Push the rubber cap on to the light cord below theT secti...

Страница 4: ...chließlich Kinder mit verringerten physischen sensorischen oder geistigen Fähigkeiten oder Mangel an Erfahrung und Kenntnissen geeignet es sei denn diese wurden von einer für ihre Sicherheit verantwortlichen Person überwacht oder erhielten Anweisungen bezüglich derVerwendung des Gerätes Kinder sind zu überwachen um sicherzustellen dass sie nicht mit dem Gerät spielen Installation Die MiniBright 3 ...

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Страница 12: ...opplas Produkten är inte lämplig att användas av personer inkl barn med begränsad fysisk sensorisk eller mental förmåga eller bristande erfarenhet och kunskap såvida inte en person som är ansvarig för dessa personers säkerhet håller dem under uppsikt eller ger anvisningar om hur produkten skall användas Håll barnen under uppsikt så att de inte kommer åt att leka med produkten Installation MiniBrig...

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Страница 14: ...zając dzieci które ze względu na swoje obniżone zdolności fizyczne sensoryczne lub psychiczne bądź brak doświadczenia lub niewiedzę nie są w stanie bezpiecznie obsługiwać urządzenia chyba że są pod nadzorem osoby odpowiedzialnej za ich bezpieczeństwo i otrzymały wskazówki odnośnie obsługi urządzenia Należy pilnować dzieci i zapewnić by nie używały urządzenia do zabawy Instalacja MiniBright 3 LED d...

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Страница 20: ...llettu q Zaświadczenie Zgodności Firma UBBINK GARDEN BV oświadcza na własną odpowiedzialność że urządzenia AquaLight 30 LED 60 LED spełniają wymogi dyrektywy 2006 95 WE niskonapięciowej oraz 2004 108 WE o kompatybilności elektromagnetycznej Zastosowano następujące normy zharmonizowane w Заявление о соответствии товара Фирма UBBINK GARDEN BV с полной ответственностью заявляет что приборы AquaLight ...
