5.3 The Description of Specific Parameters
(1) Adjust the up needle positioning
Please press the “Half stitch motion” key two times. If you find out that the
needle bar position is not in the “U” and “D” position respectively,you need to adjust
the up needle position.
Adjustment method:
1) Turn hand wheel to move the needle bar to “U” position.
2) Press “Parameter” key to enter to the system parameter setting mode and
choose the P-29 parameter item.
3) Press “Parameter” key to get the P-29 parameter value.This value is the
encoder position for the “U” position.
4) Choose the P-28 parameter item. And use the present encoder position of
“U” to modify P-28 parameter item value.
5) Press “Set” key to save the modification and return to normal state.
(2) Feed Pitch Offset Fine Tuning
Choose the No.1 basic sewing pattern and set the normal feed pitch to 0.0 and
sewing.The material must stay unmoved on the foot dog.If it’s moved forward or
backward,that means the feed origin is not accurate. Now you can adjust the
mechanical parts or set the P-06 system parameter item to solve the problem. The
latter is better for fine tuning of feed origin.
Adjustment method:
If the material move forward,you need to set the system parameter P-06’s value to
be a negative number.Such as -0.1.Then try to sew agin. If the material still move
forward , change the parameter to -0.2.Try again and again like this until the
material not move.
If the material move backward,you need to set the system parameter P-06’s value
to be positive number.Such as 0.1.Then try to sew again.If the material still move
backward , change the parameter to 0.2.Try again and again like this until the
material not move.
The offset setting of parameter P-06 will influence all pattern’s origin searching
The Test of IO Device
Beside the normal work mode, the control box supply two test work mode to
support the test of IO device: the input device test mode and the output device test
mode.They are useful for the identification of the source of mechanical or electrical