MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual
Document: LT0273
Page 1-2
24 March 2006
Issue 1.5
This manual (MX4428 Product Manual Volume 11) is intended to provide all information and
procedures required to incorporate one or more MXPs within an MX4428 system. It
predominantly covers the function and engineering associated with the MXP itself, its impact
on the MX4428 Responder Loop and the analogue loop/line(s) to which the compatible
devices are connected. It does not duplicate basic MX4428 system engineering information,
except at the point of interface (i.e. at the MX4428 Responder Loop), or for clarification as
required. It is therefore a supplement to the F4000 Engineering Manual (F4000 Product
Manual, Vol 3), to which the reader is referred for further information.
The following MX4428/F4000 product manuals are available:
Volume 1,
F4000 Operator's Manual
, provides a complete guide to the operation and
maintenance of the F4000 FIP and
panels, with Version 1.X software, according to
Australian Standards AS1603 Part 4. This manual is provided as standard with non-LCD
F4000 FIP panels (LT0057). See Volume 10 for AS4428.1 compliant systems.
Volume 2,
F4000 Technical Manual
, provides complete technical details on the F4000
system and Hardware/Software components, according to Australian Standards AS1603
Part 4, for servicing purposes (LT0069).
Volume 3,
F4000 Engineering Manual
, provides complete design details for correctly
engineering the F4000/MX4428 system to meet customer and standard specifications
Volume 4,
F4000 Installation Manual
, provides complete details for correctly installing
and placing into operation the F4000/MX4428 system (LT0070).
Volume 5,
F4000 Programming Manual
, provides details for correctly programming the
F4000/MX4428 system to meet the system engineering specifications (LT0072).
Volume 6,
F4000 AAR Technical & Engineering Manuals
, Volume 6-1 provides
Technical details on the AAR and Addressable Devices, and Volume 6-2 provides
Engineering Design information for correctly engineering the AAR loop (LT0095/LT0096).
Volume 7,
F4000 LCD Operator's Manual
, provides a complete guide to the operation
and maintenance of F4000 LCD FIP panels with Version 2.X software, according to
Australian Standards AS1603 Part 4, AS4050(INT), and New Zealand Standard NZS4512.
From Issue 2.35A onwards LT0117 includes networked operation, previously covered in a
separate manual LT0150 (LT0117/LT0118). See Volume 10 for AS4428.1 compliant
Volume 8,
F4000 NZ Fire Indicator Panel Technical Manual
, provides additional
installation and technical information regarding the application of F4000/MX4428 Analogue
Addressable Fire Alarm Systems in New Zealand (LT0126).