MX4428 MXP Engineering /Technical Manual
Document: LT0273
MXP Diagnostic Terminal
Page 8-4
24 March 2006
Issue 1.5
RoR=xx gives the rate of rise in
C/minute. This is the value which is compared with the
threshold to decide if a rate of rise pre-alarm exists, and the value which is used to
“enhance” smoke or CO processing. This item will not be displayed if there is no rate of rise
alarm configured and there is no enhancement of smoke or CO.
SLRoR=xx gives the slope limited rate of rise in
C/minute. This is the value which is
compared with the threshold to decide if a rate of rise alarm exists. This item will not be
displayed if there is no rate of rise alarm configured.
Photo Sensor of 814PH
T=165; P= 1; OPT= 26; Cal= 32; TV= 23; CV-TV= 3; SL-TV= 3
OPT=xxx gives the raw value received from the detector (0 .. 255).
Cal=xxx gives the “calibrated” value (i.e. the raw value adjusted to compensate for the
varying outputs of different detectors with the same smoke level).
TV=xxx gives the tracked value (or long term average pedestal), i.e. the value which is
assumed to be the output of the detector in clean air.
CV-TV=xxx gives the filtered calibrated value less the clean air value (TV). CV-TV is the
value which is compared with the threshold to decide if a pre-alarm exists.
SL-TV=xxx gives the filtered and slope limited value less the clean air value (TV). SL-TV is
the value which is compared with the threshold to decide if an alarm exists.
Carbon Monoxide Sensor of 814CH
T=165; P= 2; CO= 25; Cal= 25; TV= 30; CV-TV= -4; SL-TV= -4
CO=xxx gives the raw value received from the detector (0 .. 255).
Cal=xxx gives the “calibrated” value (i.e. the raw value adjusted to compensate for the
varying outputs of different detectors with the same CO level).
TV=xxx gives the tracked value (or long term average pedestal), i.e. the value which is
assumed to be the output of the detector with no CO present. (Note that as this value is
measured in the factory and stored in the detector then not subsequently adjusted, it is a
constant for each detector.)
CV-TV=xxx gives the filtered calibrated value less the zero CO value(TV). CV-TV is the
value which is compared with the threshold to decide if a pre-alarm exists.
SL-TV=xxx gives the filtered and slope limited value less the zero CO value (TV). SL-TV is
the value which is compared with the threshold to decide if an alarm exists.
814I Ionisation Detector
T=165; P= 20; ION= 74; TV= 74; CV-TV= 0; SL-TV= 0
ION=xxx gives the average of the two raw values received from the detector (0 .. 255).
TV=xxx gives the tracked value (or long term average pedestal), i.e. the value which is
assumed to be the average of the two detector sensors in clean air.
CV-TV=xxx gives the filtered calibrated value less the clean air value(TV). CV-TV is the
value which is compared with the threshold to decide if a pre-alarm exists.
SL-TV=xxx gives the filtered and slope limited value less the clean air value (TV). SL-TV is
the value which is compared with the threshold to decide if an alarm exists.
MIM800 Mini Input Module
T=165; P= 21; MIM=100
MIM=xxx gives the raw value received from the module.
MIM801 Mini Input Module
T=165; P= 30; MIM801=131
MIM801=xxx gives the raw value received from the module.