MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual
Document: LT0273
Device Information and Programming
Page 3-10
24 March 2006
Issue 1.5
The following “outputs” are available on the Analogue loop –
Output modules – RIM800, SNM800, and LPS800
Functional Base outputs of detectors (controlling 814SB, MkII Sounder Base or 814RB)
Remote LED output of detectors.
Each of these is programmable at the MX4428 for which of 3 sources controls the output.
In all cases the outputs are turned off if the point is isolated.
The 3 selectable sources are as follows –
1. Relay output
The output is controlled by the state of the corresponding relay output as sent to the
responder. The relay output state can be controlled directly with a logic equation, be
controlled by the state of the ACZ that the relay is mapped to (this also allows supervision
fault states on the SNM800 and LPS800 output to be indicated), or be controlled by the test
state of the flow switch zone it is mapped to.
The functional bases and remote LED outputs for detectors mapped to circuit X of logical
responder R will be controlled by the state of relay X of logical responder R, i.e. the relay
with the same number as the detector circuit.
2. Circuit alarm
The output will turn on when the corresponding circuit goes into alarm. If the circuit maps to
a latching zone then the output will turn off when the zone alarm is reset. If the circuit does
not map to a latching zone the output will turn off when the circuit goes out of alarm. The
circuit alarm state is determined by the MXP and so can’t include other responder circuits,
nor the state of the zone(s) the circuit maps to. (Use “relay output” if these are needed.)
The functional bases and remote LED outputs for detectors will be controlled by the circuit
the detector is mapped to. Output modules mapped to relay X of logical responder R will be
controlled by circuit X of logical responder R, i.e. the circuit with the same number as the
WARNING - the output will not be disabled by zone isolate.
3. Point alarm
The output will turn on when that point goes into alarm. If the point maps to a latching zone
then the output will stay on until the zone alarm is reset. If the point does not map to a
latching zone the output will turn off when the point goes out of alarm.
This option is not available on output modules (RIM800, SNM800, and LPS800).
WARNING - the output will not be disabled by zone isolate.