MX4428 MXP Engineering /Technical Manual
Document: LT0273
Page ii
24 March 2006
Issue 1.5
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The MX4428 Fire Indicator Panel provides a configuration programming facility, which may be accessed via a
programming terminal using a password. Because this programming facility allows the user to define in detail the
operation of the MX4428 System being customised, changes may be made by the user that prevent this
installation from meeting statutory requirements.
The Company, therefore cannot accept any responsibility as to the suitability of the functions generated by the
user using this programming facility.
21 March 01
Issue 1.0
24 April 03
Issue 1.1
Updated DIM800 Compatibility, added VLC800, LPS800, Alarm
11 March 04
Issue 1.2
DIM800 with s/c fault option. Added "specs", noted source of
MXPPROG, updated MXP software version history.
28 January 05
Issue 1.3
Added requirements for AS1670.1. Noted DIM800 supply
supervision threshold is not adjustable. Added MIM800 max cable
length on inputs to its specs. Updated Table 3-2. Added 5B,
replaced 814IB with 5BI.
Noted MkII Sounder Base has AS2220 and ISO tones. Added note
re acceptable type mismatches. Added reference to software
version 1.12.
28 October 05
Issue 1.4
Added 614CH, 614I, 614P, System Sensor 885WP-B detectors to
Table 3-4.
24 March 06
Issue 1.5
Added 614T Section 3.20.3. Added 814P Section 3.9, etc. Added
Loop Filter Board, Chapter 10.
VESDA is a registered trademark of Vision Systems.