MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual
Document: LT0273
Device Information and Programming
Page 3-20
24 March 2006
Issue 1.5
selects the detection mode for the detector - smoke only, enhanced smoke, heat
enabled or disabled, heat rate of rise enabled or disabled, smoke detection algorithm is
SmartSense or FastLogic, etc. Note that when a particular function is disabled by the setting
of the mode, the parameters relating to that function are not used and should therefore be
left with their default settings.
Parameter 1
selects the smoke alarm threshold.
With the SmartSense algorithm, the actual alarm threshold is selected as per the table. The
approved range is 8%/m (Parameter 1 = 37) to 12%/m (Parameter 1 = 80).
With the FastLogic algorithm Parameter 1 values of 0, 1, or 2 will select Low, Medium, or
High sensitivity respectively. Any other value will select the sensitivity defined in the global
parameter 8XXPH FUZZY ALGORITHM. Parameter 1 can usually be left at its default
setting for all detectors and those detectors with their mode set to FastLogic will then use the
setting in the global parameter 8XXPH FUZZY ALGORITHM. All three FastLogic sensitivities
are SSL approved and all have a nominal sensitivity of 8% / m.
Parameter 3
may be adjusted to vary the fixed temperature alarm threshold. It may be set to
any value between 60 and 65 in Australia, and between 50 and 65 in New Zealand.
Parameter 2
may be adjusted to select a different Pre-Alarm temperature.
Parameter 6
selects the functional base and remote LED output operation (refer to section
3.3) and the “enhancement multiplier” which should normally be left at the default value (12).
The remaining parameters should not need changing.