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For all the standard sterilization cycles, and for Bowie and Dick test, the
only changeable cycle parameter is dry time (you will not see other
parameters on your screen). For the custom cycles created by
duplication, and for the Warm Up cycle, more options are changeable.
Operator is not allowed to create custom cycles; only authorized
technician can do this.
Dry Time
This parameter defines duration of the drying stage for the cycle.
Browse to the following folder:
Cycle parameters\Drying\Dry Time
Change the parameter as desired.
Drying stage is divided into two stages. For each stage you can set
the total time, on time and off time. So during the Dry First Stage, the
heating elements are on for the time set in Dry Heat On 1, then they
go off for the time set in Dry Heat Off 1, and then this sequence is
repeated during the entire Dry First Stage Time. The same is true for
the Dry Second Stage.
Add Dry Time
This subdirectory allows you to change the Dry Time parameter for
the current cycle.
Browse to the following folder:
Cycle parameters\Drying\Add Dry Time
Change the parameter as desired.