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To exit every screen and to return to the previous screen (to get one
level up):
move the cursor to Exit by pressing the UP or DOWN keys and then
press the Start/Stop key.
- or-
press the UP and DOWN keys simultaneously.
In the next chapter you will see how to change the required parameter
as desired.
Changing a Parameter
You have browsed through the menus and reached the parameter
changing screen as explained above. Now you can change the
required parameter as desired. To do so:
Enter the required value as follows:
Press the Up and Down keys to change the value of the digit.
Press the Start/Stop key to move the cursor to the next digit to the left.
When finished, press the Start/Stop key repeatedly until you move the
cursor to Set.
Press the Up or Down key to confirm the new value and to exit the
parameter changing screen.
Below is the typical parameter changing screen: