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8.9. Stopping the Process Manually
It is possible to stop the program while the autoclave is operating. Pressing
the START/STOP key at any stage of the process stops the operation.
If the cycle was aborted before completing the sterilization stage, it will
leave the load unsterilized.
If the cycle is aborted before completing the sterilization stage, a yellow
caution screen is displayed with a caution symbol, the message "Cycle
Failed", and an error message explaining the reason for the failure.
Pressing the START/STOP key cancels the displayed message and
unlocks the door so it can be opened after 1 minute of drying.
The sterility of the instruments processed in unwrapped
cycles cannot be maintained if exposed to non-sterile
Don’t touch the strainer’s cover, mounted on the exhaust
line, during and shortly after operation. It will get very hot.
Touching the hot strainer’s cover may cause severe injuries.
To avoid severe injuries from hot steam when opening the
door, it is strictly forbidden to lean on the autoclave or to
place your hand or any part of your body over the door.
If the load has not completed a sterilization cycle, therefore
it is not sterile. Handle it as contaminated load.
If the load has completed the sterilization cycle, it is sterile,
but sometimes not dry.
8.10. Stopping the Process due to Cycle Failure
The cycle can stop itself if the unit detects a problem
If the cycle was aborted before completing the sterilization stage, it will
leave the load unsterilized.
If the cycle is aborted prior to completing the sterilization stage, a
yellow caution screen is displayed with a caution symbol, the message
"Cycle Failed", and an error message explaining the reason for the
Pressing the START/STOP key cancels the displayed message and
unlocks the door so it can be opened after 1 minute of drying.
The load has not completed a sterilization cycle, therefore it
is not sterile. Handle it as contaminated load.
If the load has completed the sterilization cycle, it is sterile,
but sometimes not dry.
9.1. Quick Options Screen
When the system is ready, enter the QUICK OPTIONS screen by
pressing the UP and DOWN keys simultaneously.