Do not keep seed in the hopper for several days, especially not in damp weather. Moist seed
can cause disturbances in feeding.
Suitable driving speed during sowing is 7-10 km/h.
A seed coulter consists of a coulter tube and a point. Seed coulter alternatives
Suffolk coulter
Wing coulter
1-disc coulter
The tube is the same in all coulter types. It is fairly easy to change the point and thus the machine
can be easily changed to correspond to the circumstances by equipping it with the coulters needed.
The suffolk coulter is suitable for most circumstances. Because these coulters have a large stagger
in driving direction they are not suspectible to clogging. The wing coulter gives a yield increase of a
few percents with most cereals and decreases the degree of laid crop. The wing coulter can be used
in most circumstances but, anyhow, it gets blocked a little easier than other coulter types in
circumstances with much weed. The wing coulter places the seed in an approx. 70 mm broad band.
The area meters of the TUME-drills are equipped with large figures and they are placed so that the
tractor driver can easily read the meter during work, fig. 27. When you know the area that can be
sown with full hopper you can easily calculate the right filling time by adding to the area reading of
the last filling the area to be sown.
The four figures on the left show hectares, the fifth indicates tenths of hectares, the sixth hundredths
of hectares etc. The meter can be put on the 0 position by turning the meter know at the end of the
Fig. 27. Area meter.